Monday, September 21, 2009

Jenny Oaks Baker & Silverscreen Serenade

I had the funnest day at work I have ever had when I got to work with Jenny Oaks Baker. I am amazed I got paid to listen to beautiful music all day.
I was hired by Travis from Kineto Pictures to do hair and makeup for Jenny Oaks Baker. They were filming Jenny, as lead violinist, with an orchestra on stage for Jenny's album, Silverscreen Serenade. We taped the show twice for with two types of camera work, the second taping had a live audience. The finished product will be shown on BYU-TV.
Jenny had eight pieces of music, eight gown changes, eight hair changes plus jewelry, shoes, makeup touchups and changes. It was basically a live tv format, so everything was done quickly and with a second taping, hair and all had to have continuity.
Jenny was delightful and so beautiful. Her music was exquisite.

Dale Cougar Armstrong & Wired Sculpture

I have had the opportunity to work several times with the Wired Sculpture team and the one and only Dale Cougar Armstrong. She is a legend in the field of wired jewelry and her creations are exquisite.
Dale is co-creating a series of "how-to" DVDs with Wired Sculpture and I have done her makeup and styling for these shoots. She is a lovely woman and such a hard worker. Dale is a true inspiration to all women who have a dream.